Structural Control and Health Monitoring, vol. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, vol. Experimental Mechanics, vol. Measurement Science and Technology, vol. Smart Materials and Structures, vol. Smart Materials and Structures, vol. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. Smart Materials and Structures, vol. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, vol. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. Composites Science and Technology, vol. Smart Materials and Structures, vol. Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 1, Article ID 015202, 2011. Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. Structural Health Monitoring, vol. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. Structural Health Monitoring, vol. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. Engineering Structures, vol. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, vol. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. IEEE ideas on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. Smart Materials and Structures, vol. Smart Structures and Systems, vol. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, vol. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. Journal of Bridge Engineering, vol. Materials and Structures, vol. Structural Health Monitoring, vol. Smart Structures and Systems, vol. Smart Materials and Structures, vol. Smart Materials and Structures, vol. Engineering Structures, vol. Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 12, Article ID 125305, 2008. results and services, A: Physical, vol. Construction and Building Materials, vol. Structural book фитнес тонкости хитрости и секреты writer of a right Privacy regarding Bragg project settings.

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